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The coming summer travel season is normally the busy time for airlines. It is usually the time when they increase their fares. This summer will be different. Southwest Airlines, the largest discount air carrier in the USA, has published significant fare reductions through the summer travel season. More...

The US State Department has issued a travel alert for visitors entering Mexico. Tourists are warned to stay away from the drug and prostitution areas in Mexican border cities. More...

Most Catholics over the age of forty or fifty still remember the old prohibition when their parents cooked spaghetti, macaroni or fish every Friday. They even used to refer to Friday as "fish day" because of this church rule. Many of the local Catholic Churches in the USA have supprted this custom by instituting the "Friday Fish Fry" throughout Lent. More...

Mardi Gras, Fasching, Carnivale, or whatever you call it is not a big festival in the USA. In most cities, a few local bars or nightclubs may feature a Mardi Gras party but wide-spread celebration is not common. That is not true of New Orleans, Louisiana or in the neighboring Gulf Coast city of Mobile Alabama. More...